
Beer Review #2

Price: US$9 for a six pack
The website says: “Full flavored with hops and malt yet balanced and complex.”
Tastes like: Malty sunshine.
Drink it when: To paraphrase Mme. Bollinger, I would recommend drinking Sam Adams when you’re happy and when you’re sad. Drink it when you’re alone. When you have company, you should consider it obligatory. Trifle with it if you’re not hungry and drink it when you are. Otherwise never touch it - unless you’re thirsty.
Beer memory: I personally tried this beer for the first time at a baseball game on July 4th. The Pittsfield Colonials were giving the New Jersey Jackals a walloping; I was wearing jandals (sorry, “flip flops”) and holding an American flag. It was so hot that evening, the first gulp of beer went down like ice cold nectar of the Beer Gods. Bliss in a plastic cup.

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