
Some Cheerful things

And also, some other stuff do:

♥ Make a playlist of your favourite upbeat songs and listen to them while working. Then take a dance break in the loos or somewhere else suitably private.

♥Take a walk in the sunshine. Soak up the rays. Concentrate really hard on your butt muscles moving and think about the Power of your Body and stuff.

♥Become a hug whore and get as many as you can from the people around you. SLUTTY.

♥Read this post from Lake about his performance at JPop Cafe in Japan and marvel at his Lake-ness.

♥Take a leaf out of the Pioneer Woman's book and reply "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE..." to everything that anybody says to you. For a while at least.

♥Find someone to bring you macaroons, the New Cupcake.

♥Know that I'm loving and missing you from afar.

xxx Me

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