

Dear Ginger Jane,
I love that clip you posted. More specifically, it makes me imagine my own metamorphosis into an eccentric older lady with a slightly dazed expression and a penchant for orange lipstick. It’s like a visual prophesy of sorts. It’s going to happen to you too, don’t fight it. You’ll be the ginger-haired foodie version, like
Peta Mathias. I know you love Madame Mathias, so this won’t be an alarming prospect for you. In fact, I can see you embracing the situation with alacrity and a wide smile. It’s raining right now, so everyone here is wearing gumboots, which is super super cute. One thing I kind of love about this place is how schizophrenic the weather is. Check it out.

One minute it’s scorching, the next, thunderstorms. So in the spirit of gumboots, here is a weather-related, America-related song you might enjoy. Well, it’s not really about weather so much, but it is called “Last of the Melting Snow.” You’ll like it, I promise.

Smooches, Rebecca

PS: How’s your new budget treating you, my dear? I want a progress report. With diagrams, like you promised.

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