
Hello darling,

Right, so, confession time. Time to 'fess up.

Last night, I called it quits on derby. We broke up. I was sad, but I had a bit of a wail, a whiskey and then watched two episodes of A History of Britain and felt quite a bit better. Simon Schama always cheers me up. (A wail, a whiskey and a watch. It's a mantra).

Funnily enough, the break up was quite a lot like my break up with Andy I feel. I knew it was time to call it off long before it was ended, and I was just delaying the inevitable in case it turned out to be The One, you know? In case, things turned around and all of a sudden I was madly, passionately in love once again. But, as we all know, once the passion is gone... that's kind of it, and the sex is hellish and robotic. I wasn't actually having sex with derby, but it felt like it. Sort of.

Alright, so as with every break up it's now time for me to make some rash resolutions. I have a crap load more spare time to do super exciting stuff. I'm intending to go to yoga more often and maybe do some more sewing. Also save money. Also I want to go to a million films at the Film Festival this year. I need to read another book for book club, also I want to start up Spinster Knit again. I had a moment where I decided I might become vegan for a bit, and then I laughed heartily about this idea, and baked cookies filled with brownies instead. I like the idea of being increasingly obsessive about cooking and baking. I want to declutter my room. Also, I have heaps of clothes that no longer fit me and that I was thinking I might fit after losing weight after skating heaps again. It may be time to get rid of these.

Love, and loving your American tales. Wish you were here during my traumatic break up!

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