
Virtual Whiskey With You

Sarah Jane! There's no shame in quitting. Just because you set up that derby league doesn't mean you have to do it forever. Can you imagine being a ninety year old jammer? I didn't think so. It was going to have its day sometime, and today is that day. I salute you.

In other news, I have a bee-sting on my foot.
It's been two days now and aforementioned extremity is still enormously swollen and of cartoon proportions. I couldn't get my strappy sandals on this morning. I put on ballet flats instead and by lunchtime had the foot version of muffin-top. Yeah, laugh it up. Alright. The heat probably doesn't help matters. It's that sort of heat where you come out of air conditioning and it hits you like a
snuggie being tied around your whole body.

As I can't be there to drink a whiskey and celebrate your newfound spare time, I shall send you
this instead. My boss played it just now and it tickled my fancy. Maybe it'll cheer you up?

All my love,


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