
Loooong hiatus, sorry love.

Dearest Ginger,

Sorry I have taken so long to reply. Let's get this puppy back up and running, whaddya say?

So as you know, I'm back to living in the woods. It's pretty sweet; I've just been learning a new job writing grant proposals, cooking freezer-loads of soup like a crazy Italian mother of ten for my fabulous cabin-mates, and watching my hair grow slowly but surely as a New England winter kicks in good and proper.

You know what my new favourite thing is right now? These photographs by Sacha Goldberger of his grandma as a superhero. Have you seen these already? If you like this one here, you should check out the whole lot. They are amazing and make me feel like an exploding cannon of awesome. Kapow! You can see the whole series here.

I'm trying to plan a trip to D.C. soon, but first on my list is Nashville. Oh my goodness I am excited. I'm going to take a photo outside Dolly Parton's house and post it to Paper Tiger. Just you wait.

What is new with you, mon petit canard?


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